
Thursday, 4 July 2013

Apple sends out posters to celebrate ’5 Years of the App Store’

Apple has sent out posters to celebrate the upcoming 5th anniversary of the App Store to members of the media.
Tim Bradshaw, consumer tech reporter at Financial Times who also received the poster has posted the photo and a Vine video of the poster.
As you can see in the image above, the poster shows the timeline of major milestones in App Store’s history such as the 10 million downloads, 50 billion downloads   which was crossed recently etc.
Apple launched the App Store in July 2008, a year after it launched the iPhone. Some of the credit for the App Store should go to the jailbreak community as they wouldn’t have realized the potential of native apps if it wasn’t for some enterprising hackers. Interestingly, Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs revealed that he was dead against third-party apps. Apple board member, Art Levinson had to call him half a dozen times to lobby for the potential of the apps. Steve Jobs felt that “his team did not have the bandwidth to figure out all the complexities that would be involved in policing third-party app developers”.

It is now one of the biggest selling points of the iOS platform.

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