According to a new rumor, the upcoming Moto 360 smartwatch will feature an AMOLED screen with sapphire glass display to make it ultra durable. It is further believed that the smartwatch will come with a wireless charging feature, which is something to look forward to as well.
These features could be crucial in the success of the Moto 360 and could make it stand out from the rest of the competition. Several other manufacturers are expected to launch an Android Wear based smartwatch later this year, with LG already prepping the G Watch, so Motorola will face competition from the get go.
These features could make the Moto 360 an expensive option, but that’s something Motorola has to confirm in due time. It has also been reported that the Moto 360 will be available in limited quantities initially and could be region-restricted, so there’s not much reason to be excited at the moment.
The Moto 360 is undoubtedly one of the best smartwatches we’ve come across so far with the perfect blend of features and design, so it will be a bit of a letdown if Motorola limits its launch. We’ll wait for more information on the 360 in the coming weeks and hope that these hardware rumors are true
What’s your take on these rumored features of the Moto 360?
[via G For Games]
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